I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The FunkoPop Store EB Games here in Canada were re-labeled to GameStop recently. They’re still in every Mall in the land from what I’ve seen. Though they are doing better. Game selection isn’t what it use to be, but the variety is growing now. I was surprised when I found Manga in our local GameStop.

    Not exactly my cup of tea, but catering to “Nerd” culture, and going beyond “Merch” is something I can get behind, since it’s rare to see another store not selling the same old drivel as everyone else.

  • Mostly a guess as to prove it is outside of my reach. The CPU was new out of the box, and there are a lot of reports from Reddit, and other tech forums about Gigabyte B350M boards having issues with Ryzen 5000. I forgot where I this tidbit came from, but from my understanding, Ryzen 5000 has a larger instruction set, which first gen Ryzen Motherboard BIOS Storage didn’t have the space for. Some boards would loose functionality for Ryzen 1000 if they wanted to use Ryzen 5000.

    So I feel it’s a safe assumption that at least with my board it probably was an issue. Wasn’t going to dig deeper when my 1600x still worked and I was within the 15 return period.

  • Atari era/Pre-Windows PC era.

    The Atari era is mostly because the games are short and have very little replay value. It’s a fun novelty especially when you see an angry nerd swearing at them on YouTube. But you’d get the gyst of the game after 30 seconds. Or are so confused that you don’t know what to do without the manual… even then it’s not that helpful.

    Now for the Pre-Windows PC era, mostly DOS and Commodore. It’s mostly because I don’t have the right mindset to play them, and forcing myself to just makes me not want to hate them. Outside of Police Quest, Wolfenstein 3D, and F29 Retaliator (<- I can’t believe this is on Steam) which I like because they are nostalgic to me, I wasn’t able to get into Civiliation 1, Ultima, SimCity or other giants from the time.

  • Sorry to hear that. Ubisoft Connect has been hit or miss for me. On my intel machine it works fine, on my nvidia machine the menu was just a black box which failed to or loaded so slowly that it was unusable. My only advice is to use the latest Proton/Wine-GE/Proton-GE and wait for updates from Ubisoft. This is all unofficial so having it work at all is a miracle.

    I’m running it the latest Linux Mint running Lutris installed from their official deb file.