Let’s hope they both get the fine and are forced to make the changes afterwards.
They really do deserve it, and the money could be used somewhere else.
Let’s hope they both get the fine and are forced to make the changes afterwards.
They really do deserve it, and the money could be used somewhere else.
Google already got hit a few years back.
Google suffered one of its biggest setbacks on Wednesday when a top European court fined it 4.125 billion euros ($4.13 billion) for using its Android mobile operating system to thwart rivals, offering a precedent for other regulators to ratchet up pressure.
Here’s the actual top 10 over exporting countries of quartz. Not even in the top 5 for the US.
1 China $72,289,000
2 Turkey $68,161,000
3 India $43,827,000
4 Spain $27,107,000
5 Brazil $26,611,000
6 United States $21,351,000
7 Germany $16,791,000
8 Italy $13,219,000
9 Canada $12,225,000
10 Egypt $10,204,000
The EU ripple effect. Good job US, if it actually passes.
They try really hard to not comply for anyone else.
Which means it’s working really well and exactly as EU wanted to.
The title needs to say it’s only for the EU. 3rd party app stores for iOS are not coming to the rest of the world.
And for android you’d probably be able to get the APK, but I’m not sure how the in-app purchases will work outside of EU.
And that is exactly why we need more regulation on this area, because it’s NOT sustainable right now.
This was why the EU made it mandatory to use USB-C, so we only need few chargers for everything in our home. This alone were tons of e-waste reduced each year.
We need this thinking in other areas too.
AI’s really just getting started, isn’t it.
I believe we in Norway and Denmark identify ourselves much more as socialists than Sweden.
This guy just drawed out socialism and it sounds amazing. Still, people are afraid of it even though the most well off countries in the world are socialistic countries (northern Europe)
Why won’t anyone think of the poor shareholders!!!
It’s a fair guess, but my guess is the opposite. Prevention is far cheaper than repairing.
And technological advances almost always comes out on top in terms of costs in the long run.
And this is saving money for the government, not some CEO.
This guy acting like US invented cars and have divine knowledge from this experience.
Dude, Europe got 10x better public transport and are far less car dependent than the US.
Our cities are too old to be build with cars in mind.
Haven’t seen this in the EU. Anyone knows if this is prevented here?
Researchers surprised it got harmful responses do to their more harmful questions and requests. More at never.
Are we acting like the US isn’t the biggest surveillance state existing in all history?
So because there’s one app they don’t control the data on, we need to ban it? Sounds like the free market to me.
Seems like this practice is banned in the EU, yeah.
Thank you so much! I was just about to list up all my services to get the right architecture, and I’ve added Portainer to my list.
This is a get-started guide I found for Portainer if anyone else is interested.
How else would the mega rich be able to buy up the property and rent out the spaces for normal people to finance?