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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I mean, a lot of people do jump in with little or no research and try to spend their way out of problems. That is definitely not good, particularly when animals and animal welfare is involved.

    It’s really an acreage with a garden and some animals, but they call it a farm, and aren’t really interested in the actual farms.

    I mean… are we gatekeeping farms now? I’m trying to feed my family and hopefully have enough to sell (starting next year, anyway; we moved here too late this year and I’m still learning my land). In my case, no animals for now (though chickens are in the cards for next year and maybe we’ll do something else the following year).

    I do plan to commercially farm, though I also plan to keep my day job for the foreseeable future. Market gardeners with a good market can make quite a lot off of the ~5000sqm of farmland like I have, but there’s no market that’s going to be good for that in rural Japan. The best case scenario for being commercially successful in that way would be to network with chefs in the bigger cities, but I have neither the talent nor reputation for that (nor would I want to commit to that until at least another year or two when I can confirm stability). I do have friends who run a restaurant who are willing to pay for some of what I am growing if it works out, and another lead in the nearest big city (~1 hour away), but that’s it.

    I’m outside nearly every single day preparing, cultivating, sowing, harvesting, etc. and treat it like a job. I just harvested ~15kg of potatoes this morning (literally one of the first things I did when moving here was get those in the ground) and a few kilos of green onions. Am I not at least a part-time farmer? The local government says I am, in any case (buying registered farmland in Japan is a process, lemme tell ya).

  • Simple, repetitive work that doesn’t follow any predictable schedule

    I have multiple spreadsheets, have to monitor and adjust to a lot of different conditions, have to actively monitor pests and plant growth and react to those (and predict for the next year and be proactive), and a bunch of other stuff. Farming tends to very much follow a predictable schedule insofaras you know in any given season what you will be doing and what you need to be getting ready for.

  • I think that really depends on both the IT role as well as the type and scale of farm. If someone has a really stressful workplace in IT but makes enough money to buy a farm and semi-retire, it could just be that having the farm supplements their food and doesn’t need to turn a profit. It’s very different to, say, a subsistence farmer or one who has to make a lot to pay for mortgage, retirement, etc.

  • I imagine data security and what the government would know is putting some off. It is part of the reason the national ID (My Number) faltered.

    Off the top of my head, and I’m sure there are more, people use: tinder, bumble, Pairs, Zwei, Zekushi, and probably more. Pairs and Zwei, at least, are geared toward long-term and marriage. Pairs had a very bad UX and, of course, a cost. I did meet some people on there, but nothing lasted (one nearly did, but I wasn’t doing another LTR with a barely-functional alcoholic that otherwise was a great match).

  • way too many people are Republican or Democrat people

    We don’t have the same kind of proportional representation, are nearly 100% first-past-the-post, and there are in-built advantages to the two major parties. Because of the shitty system, presidential elections generally necessitate voting for one or the other or the vote is split enough that one of those two that didn’t have votes siphoned off wins.

    At more local/regional levels, there are other parties out there that can be viable. We have primary elections (I’m not sure what the UK equivalent would be) and I know that some people are voting outside of the two main parties there. However, when the actual election comes, it’s almost always two candidates and almost always from those two parties so it’s voting for the least-worst. It sucks.