ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Wasn’t referring to what Meta could do or even necessarily that there’s an issue with Lemmy’s software. More that there’s a bunch of servers with various configurations without resources dedicated to intrusion detection, mitigation or reporting. If something did happen at a server level to a hobbyist instance there’s no reason to believe users or maybe even the persons running the instance would know about it.

  • Probably. Not sure if this will do it. But there’s inherent privacy concerns in having a bunch of relatively insecure silos interoperating as a semi-social network even if most of us do so with varying degrees of anonymity. For the moment, most of us are here to avoid corporate overreach so motivations are in a certain degree of alignment. But it’s just a matter of time before something goes wrong or the winds change in an unforeseen way.

  • Complexity gives the games depth which allows them to hold interest. You can try something, figure out how to play the game that way, and then go and start a new character to figure out how to play the game another utilizing the knowledge you’ve gained from prior experimentation.

    Some of the inventory management can be annoying at times, but again it’s an opportunity to employ knowledge as a means to identify the items that aren’t particularly useful to one playstyle and could be useful under another set of abilities/attributes or some set of combinations allowed by the game.

    A game that only has one right answer quickly becomes a boring precision button pushing simulator to people who prefer more complexity, variety and depth in their gaming experience.

    Not that one preference or the other is inherently correct, but hopefully it can be understood that different people want different things from their games.