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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024

  • Zionism is the quest for a homeland for the Jewish people… many people chose Argentina, many chose Ethiopia… Israel was created by the Allied Forces after world war two… zionism has nothing to do with recreating Israel or hurting Palestinians….

    stop using words you don’t understand… blaming “zionists” is like blaming jews… it’s racist.
    Israel is committing these crimes against humanity. Not jews, not zionists… it’s Israel

  • It’s the fact that he’s a Putin stooge and an information terrorist.

    and you’re a lying sack of shit.

    He has all the secrets, everyone’s,

    how the fuck would he have “everyone’s secrets”?!!!

    but only releases those that help his and his benefactors political views, and withholding secrets that hurt his side,

    no, they only release those that they have and that they can verify

  • you wanted a call to adventure what makes you say that?

    “This but for real This is what finally growing up feels like and it’s shit”

    dude, just try to follow along a little with the conversation before getting all defensive.

    You think I can afford one? Or a boating license? Or the lessons? You’re just assuming I already have this money, or the means to get it. That’s why you’re out of touch.

    you’re so entrenched in capitalism you think that everything requires a purchase and privilege… but here’s a documentary, from the Anarchist Yacht Club on how to get a free yacht (it still requires work)

    still think i’m out of touch?

    I already am, you idiot, that’s what I told you

    this whole conversation began with you saying growing up means no call to adventure… then you called me stupid, then said you didn’t call me stupid, then called me an “idiot”
    which, btw, is ableist language… people with low intelligence are still qualified to have lives and opinions and conversations…

    your complete lack of consistency and character attacks make this “conversation” rather obtuse.

    You’re only stupid if you continue believing this is as simple as you say, from your position of privilege.

    now you’re calling me stupid again… but, my dearest friend, i never said it’s simple
    it is not simple… but it IS possible…
    also, i’ve done it and have been living a “vagabond” lifestyle most of my privileged life…
    i do suppose my intellectual upbringing and natural abilities is a privilege, in that i can confidently hitchhike and enter a city with $0 and a backpack and have a good adventure… my ability to improvise is a privilege…
    i didn’t start out with any money if that’s what you think…
    the things that you own, own you…
    i can drop everything and go anywhere i want…

    my brother will be dying in the next year from cancer… he never traveled very much… he always wanted to get an RV, work remotely, and travel the country…
    for years he was mostly teaching online and could’ve definitely done it…
    now he will be (likely) staying in the same town, getting radiation and chemotherapy until he dies… (prognosis 1 year, <10% make it to 5 years)

    i’m giving you advice to take chances, change it up, live the adventure that you want… if the steps to that are unclear, then just take steps somewhere and you’ll eventually find the path you’re looking for…

    “This is what finally growing up feels like and it’s shit”

    i was moved by this. I do not want you to feel like shit… i want you to do something and change that…

    “I am uncomfortable and I want change. You are, in fact, stating the opposite of the truth”

    you can pretend like you don’t know what i mean, but i can tell we’re both too smart for that… but, more accurate than “comfortable” would be complacent.

    the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience… A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.

    i grew up poor… like no money for school lunches, second hand clothes, swimming in pollution (i’ll probably get cancer too)…
    i left home with a shitty old school backpack with a shitty coleman sleeping bag tied to it with a rope…

    my privilege was the freedom of having nothing to left lose…