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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My crazy wacko conspiracy theory - software development is just a really weird discipline, most of the people in the field are bad at it, and it doesn’t have the same amount of standardization and regulation that other engineering fields have, so doing it “right” looks a lot fuzzier than doing, say, civil engineering “right”.

    The biggest thing though is that most people are bad at it. It’s really hard to evaluate high level organizational concepts like waterfall vs. agile when we still have developers arguing over the usefulness of unit tests.

  • there are no such APIs

    Yes there are. You can obtain access to the Kroger API, the Meijer API, the Walmart API, and I’m sure others that I didn’t bother to Google. Failing getting access to the actual APIs, there are tons of web scraper projects that just parse those stores’ websites for product information, and web scrapers are still orders of magnitude more efficient than LLMs.

  • Just like any software design principle, it’s understood at a surface level by tons of bad developers who then try and solve every problem with that one principle. Then slightly better developers come along and say “ugh this is gross, OOP is bad!” And then they avoid the principle at all costs and tell everyone how bad it is at every opportunity.