Lofgren’s bill would impose site-blocking requirements on broadband providers with at least 100,000 subscribers and providers of public domain name resolution services with annual revenue of over $100 million. The bill has exemptions for VPN services and “similar services that encrypt and route user traffic through intermediary servers”; DNS providers that offer service “exclusively through encrypted DNS protocols”; and operators of premises that provide Internet access, like coffee shops, bookstores, airlines, and universities.
Invest in VPN providers.
Democrats: “Please for the love of God, don’t vote for us ever again! We really, really don’t want to win.”
Lemmy: "Fuck that, I’ll vote blue no matter who. You can’t tell me what to do"
D E M O C R A T singular, one. Not democrats. For fucks sake it’s on the bloody title!
Why are people so willfully ignorant?
Cause people fail to awknowledge there is more to politics than just left and right, or progressive and conservative, etc.
From California? Hmmm… Why would a representative from California put forward such a bill?