Considerable. Orks are about 250+ pounds, 6 - 7 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. Orks also get stronger, bigger and more resilient the longer they fight and stay active. A Warboss can be 10+ foot in height, for example.
In Know No Fear two Ultramarines are discussing how to kill an Ork and one comments that an Ork can rip the arms off of a Space Marine in power armour.
An average Imperial Guardsman wouldn’t stand much of a chance one-on-one.
Considerable. Orks are about 250+ pounds, 6 - 7 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. Orks also get stronger, bigger and more resilient the longer they fight and stay active. A Warboss can be 10+ foot in height, for example.
In Know No Fear two Ultramarines are discussing how to kill an Ork and one comments that an Ork can rip the arms off of a Space Marine in power armour.
An average Imperial Guardsman wouldn’t stand much of a chance one-on-one.
I’m imagining the guardsmans arm snapping like those arm wrestling gone wrong videos