I’m wondering what people here would think about Home Assistant’s stock UI getting a bit of a facelift? I know you can customize to your hearts content, but I’ve always found stock Home Assistant to be a little hard on the eyes. Its not bad in my mind, just feels a bit dated and static.
Anyhow, wondered if anyone here has thought the same. I’d welcome a face lift.
You can always use the Home Assistant API to create your own UI experience. I create small HA touch panels using M5Stack Core2 devices this way.
It’s an open source project, so have at it!
I am using the stock UI only, and for several years now. I cannot complain.
Yes, you could say it looks a little dusty in the corners maybe, but no strong changes needed IMHO.
The constraints of only being able to make cards in predefined columns and positions is absolutely ridiculous. We should be able to drag-n-drop and resize to whatever size cards we want. It’s a huge PITA to make anything that doesn’t follow this incredibly restricted way of thinking.
Last versions have added many possibilities that you are talking about.
Keep in mind that the UI needs to adapt to a dynamically resizable window, and it’s very tricky if you just “freely” put thing wherever you want.
I haven’t been able to freely move cards, or easily expand beyond the defined column with newest version. It shouldn’t be a technical issue, it’s possible for many other applications to manage this flawlessly.