• 51 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • And a very important section, that does not surprise me at all:

    The low success rate of applications has been put down, in part, to an increasingly number of speculative applications being submitted. Industry reports show a rise in so called “phantom projects” in these cases, developers submit multiple applications for many sites, with the expectation being that very few will connect. These speculative and duplicate applications have seen the connections queue grow, increasing the work needed to progress projects.

    It becomes a sad self-fulfilling prophecy. Applications take a long time to process, so companies fling lots in parallel, then only use the first to get through.
    Which means that applications take even longer to get through.

  • Exactly that.
    With the current ceo, it’s been hyped beyond value.
    One day, the value will return to the actual value.
    If the ceo is changed, it will happen pretty rapidly, then the company can grow from there.
    If the ceo is not changed, the hype will continue until either a breaking point, or the ceo changing.
    So the shareholders have voted for the thing that preserves the status quo a little longer. Road-runner as it is.
    And the ceo seems to have managed to extract a large chunk of the current hype money, in exchange for not changing the status quo.