That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
The defense of “it’s so easy just pick a server” is getting exhausting.
The average person wants something that works.
Bro two pizzas? I’m really happy now
And let the tattoo wars begin
Not me! I got Kingdom Come for either under $5 or free last year.
So I expect to get the sequel at the same price in about six years.
Also the whole Gamersgate backlash that the lead was actively encouraging, and now the dev arguing against the anti-woke crowd… Yeah I’m not in a rush to give them money.
Thanks for the write up! I had no idea this is why Suicide Squad was such a letdown.
Wonder woman is, in my opinion, an odd choice for a video game. I think it could be really good, and her rope would translate well to video game mechanics, but it doesn’t feel like Wonder Womans time to shine right now
Id argue that I felt the same about Batman not being translatable to a game during the 2000s. Video games based on comics were absolutely awful. Superman 64 was a nightmare, and Batman games were beat-em-ups or platformers.
But really smart creatives made the Arkham series work. So I’m optimistic that in the hands of strong visionaries, it’s absolutely possible.
Now, do I think WB has the capacity to make a good Wonder Woman game? Haha nope. Not after what they’ve shown in the last few years.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
If we’re following video game logic: after opening the door, you bypass the pitfall trap, dodge the Grandma holding a butcher knife, and find a chest in the main bedroom.
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell 3223 Staff 23 hours ago
I have lost my job to wider cuts a few times myself and on reflection, I think I prefer being “aligned” or “realigned” inasmuch as it makes me feel like a cool laser satellite. But I am not immune to the frictive charms of being “restructured”, which makes me feel like a Transformer
I absolutely love the comments on RPS. It’s hits like these which makes me keep coming back.
I just realized I have no idea who pays for Let’s Encrypt. I just run the server commands, automate it, and move on.
After watching Trump boost his crypto scams, I absolutely believe that the X wallet or whatever has the means to successfully fleece morons.
(me wishing CVS/Rite aid/Walgreens didn’t destroy all the mom and pop drug stores)
They do. It’s the secret aisle, behind the store. Ask for Kenny.
I completely forgot about the term SJW until this little dig into history.
Damn the downvotes. Where is OP wrong?
Wikipedia CEO literally said that’s what he wants. He wants people to debate. He’s done interviews where he doesn’t want a single person to be the source of truth. The chaos is what brings consensus.
You have to be stupid if you don’t think companies don’t pay people for this. It’s really not difficult to hire a “Reputation Management” team to sprinkle positive information or at least control it. Im in team meetings about it, where we have staff members who moderate major social groups and lie about endorsements.
Ive been paying for Workflowy and honestly, I’ve reached my limit of cost vs value.
I needed a way to do more than just bullets, like Evernote without the bloat, or OneNote/Notes without the megacorp, something I can export and read 100 years from now.
I was surprised how often I use it, and slowly weening off of Workflowy.
And bots! Lots of bots!
Typical infighting with open-source folks. It’s a personality war with nerds. Personally, id ignore the bs drama. Every project has their share.
Source: I contribute to open source and have absolutely gone nuclear a few times
Addy user here! Been using it for years now and just last week, I saw an uptick in one of my aliases. Turned it off with a single toggle and no more spam.
The ability to self-host is awesome if I ever get to that stage. But right now, I want to keep giving them money.