Yeah I was thinking more about it as marketing, than a real thing
Yeah I was thinking more about it as marketing, than a real thing
The meaning is ok. But “sentient” is so hot right now
How much more time until they use the word “sentient”?
WhatsApp is my major concern . It’s a BIG issue that every one in Americas and Europe uses that shit. Very concerning.
The main idea “ lest create a new browser because chromium and Firefox have bad reputation in privacy “ is fine, but looking deeper into the project feels more like a monetary opportunity than a real interesting project in this times of privacy fear (VPNs already did billions). And there are concerns with this one, related to the license. The whole things has much propaganda. More of pay for privacy shit. I really hope developers time are not wasted or used with a fake idea. Like happened so many times.
Not sure if there are images around, should be, but would be wonderful to share the iso
For no reason, or non logical explanation, and after playing thousand of games in my life, I feel love for this particular game. It reminds me good times. Like the game Sacrifice.
I tried every single proprietary and open source , even self host , markdown notes apps. Obsidian is … just, i always go back to it. I have it with the plugin “Remotely Save”, synced encrypted with OneDrive. It just works, every fucking where with its own app. solid as a petrified dump
It’s good to see both sides of the cake. Personally I like to peep both X and mastodon . The contrasts tells me were we are at.
So what is russia waiting to use nuclear weapons? What is holding Putin to just push a button and end the whole thing. I mean US did it, twice, on civilians, no sanctions . And I’m not adding the bombings on Tokio which where even worse.
I hope not. Ban = authoritarianism
Rclone with crypt option, to any super cheap cloud storage.
By software . Example, Tailscale.
I don’t get why having your own radio mesh when you can use existing ones with encrypted connections and not spend in hardware or having to carry stuff with you like in the 90s cellphones.
Don’t be aggressive. It’s foss and community driven.
There is an option in Immich to arrange the data with no internal files and folders weird codes making.
I would never donate or pay you 5 bucks. Your articles adds nothing extra to my knowledge. Are more like opinions about stuff.
Agree. But that’s how open pusrce is, for so many years. Until a magical model appears to keep the developers interested in giving time to it? But in the first place doing a foss project you need to understand what you are into. Monetize it after could be, if you want to live from it, but won’t be free anymore. Donation system worked pretty well for this . Don’t understand what is FUTO approach . Something similar to Proton I guess. So many people freaked out by privacy scandals, that made it a billion worth business. first with a massive amount of VPN services, some of them even from the same company and giving them different brands, browsers everywhere with same situation , then self hosting which it seems multiple developers are putting the eye on it as some fresh juice . And FUTO eyes specially
So the donation system doesn’t work? Because there isn’t much difference. Just adding a fixed ammmount $
Another nasty one