So the Blood Angels combat patrol I got comes with an Impulsor. Which isn’t bad for the box itself since it lets you stick the intercessors and librarian inside. However I’m running salamanders which are pretty Gravis armor heavy and I couldn’t make any good lists with the Impulsor w/o making some sacrifices I didn’t want to make. Namely not being able to take a Repulsor or Land Raider Redeemer.

Since the Gladiator DID fit in my lists and IS based on the Impulsor I decided to get a conversion kit from Spiky Bits which you can see here.

The kit itself isn’t bad, the actual sculpting looks good but it’s just ever so slightly off when it comes to fitting some of the pieces together. I had to do a lot of filing but I’ve gotten it all to fit together. It comes pre sculpted with slots for magnets too so I ended up doing that to swap guns if I want.

If I ever get time to actually play a game I’ll probably run it as a Valiant or Lancer. Overall it’s been fun working on this as a change of pace from doing a bunch of infantry.