Labour has withdrawn its support for Azhar Ali, its candidate for this month’s Rochdale byelection, in the wake of controversial comments he made about the 7 October attacks on Israel.

In line with electoral law, Labour cannot replace Ali with another candidate because the deadline passed on 2 February. He will stand as a Labour candidate on the ballot paper, but if elected he will not hold the party whip and will sit as an independent MP.

Labour sources said that campaigners in Rochdale were told to stop leafleting and social media activity on Ali’s behalf at 5.30pm on Monday – an instruction that came from party HQ.

    8 months ago

    What an embarrassment. Months and months of Labour walking on eggshells, only to end up with an egg in the face anyway, and at the least opportune time.

    I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come. I also hope the people of Rochdale get some better choices come the next election. This by election appears to be turning into a sort of rogues gallery.