But have you tried calisthenics on weed?
I wonder what weed would be like in the 24th century. It has to be super potent, right?
I’d imagine the replicator could make it any potency you like.
“Computer, one cannabis edible. Weapons grade.”
(Beep boop) Unable to comply: The duty roster shows your shift doesn’t end for another 4 hours
Override. Chief Medical Officer Alpha Tango Six-One-Four
Acknowledged. (whoooosh)
Chief Medical Officer Alpha Tango Four-Two-Zero
Sorry, couldn’t help it
Ridiculous, I’m sure. What’s more, they’d be available on demand!
You can never be too prepared.
[off topic] Indie comic “Heroes Anonymous” had a great character; Intoxikate was a telepathic drug addict who could mentally project whatever trip she was on to anyone else.
I’m gonna give Kathy the full soap opera while you try to trick a lady with a head injury. We may not be the best people.
But we’re not the worst!
Grad students. Grad students are the worst!
Letsth get startedth
“We should light a candle. I can show you a cool trick.”
I am not sure what’s going on with all of these stoner Beverly memes, but I like it!
Yesterday was April 20 (4/20 -> 420) which is typically associated with stoners and marijuana enthusiasts. Blazin’ Bev took her time, but she finally showed up for the party. lol
It’s me