• AdamA
    181 month ago

    If only k/mbin federated better - I’d be all over it :(

    • BentiGorlich
      351 month ago

      Did you actually try mbin? Because we fixed a huge number of federation issues kbin had/has. Sure a bunch still need to be worked on, but we do our best and improve it with every release

        • BentiGorlich
          101 month ago
          • I’ve modified my comment in #248 because it needs investigating and if it is not working than it needs to be fixed/added
          • #694 is mostly done

          Both of which are only relevant for magazines/communities hosted on mbin instances. But yes we still do lack moderation features. I am working on it (as you can see the issue and PR are authored by me), but there is just still a lot to do in various different regions

      • DarkThoughts
        21 month ago

        I used kbin for a while and now mbin for quite some time. I primarily use the desktop website but one thing I noticed from when I tested some Lemmy mobile clients is that I saw a lot more different lemmynsfw communities & consequently threads, like a lot more. What I don’t know is if this is just a case of this particular instance, or if it is just more noticeable because of the content. kbin was even worse and barely showed ANY content from that instance, mbin was significantly more when I switched, which surprised me. But if we compare for example (pulled from the instance’s frontpage):

        https://lemmynsfw.com/c/ecchi https://fedia.io/m/ecchi@lemmynsfw.com

        We get a 404 on mbin. You can repeat this for a lot of communities there with the same result. If you search for this or other “invisible” communities in the Magazine search, then they also don’t show up there at all:


        If this is the case with other instances then I feel there’s potentially a lot of active communities & threads that we aren’t even aware of, but also potentially more fringe instances & communities.

        • BentiGorlich
          31 month ago

          On both you have to search for a magazine handle (magazine@instance.tld) if the magazine is not yet on the server. And not the magazine search but the regular search. It can of course be blocked by the instance, but most likely just nobody searched for it before. Most mbin instances are very small and even fedia only has like 4000 total users… Therefore not that many magazines/communities have been pulled in, yet…

          • DarkThoughts
            130 days ago

            Seems like you’re right. I tried it before without the actual domain ending in the magazine search which didn’t work. I wish behavior like this and other stuff would be documented somewhere? Like, I still don’t know what’s the best way to universally link to communities / magazines or users that would work across the fediverse so that they continue using whatever platform they’re on.

            • BentiGorlich
              229 days ago

              Yeah our user documentarion could need some inprovements. Though I doubt a lot of users would actually look at it…

              The best way to link communuties is with the !community@instancs.tld which works on lemmy and Mbin, but not on kbin (I think)

        • jerry
          21 month ago

          It’s because I blocked lemmynsfw after it was reported for the 746272635th time.

          • DarkThoughts
            11 month ago

            You blocked it because people constantly (I assume troll-) reported it? That doesn’t seem like a good practice, especially when we have all the Tankie instances (lemmy.ml, lemmygrad, hexbear, etc.) federated. Are there other blocked instances?

            • jerry
              11 month ago

              I was mistaken - lemmynsfw isn’t bblocked. There are only 3 blocked: lemmy.one, lemmy.today, lemmy.froztbyte.dev. Are you proposing that lemmy.ml, lemmygrad, and hexbear get the block?

              • jwr1
                11 month ago

                Just curious, what was the reason for blocking those first three instances?

                • jerry
                  21 month ago

                  lemmy.froztbyte.dev is/was sending malformed messages that caused this the queue runners to crap out. The others were for persistent harassment of one of our trans members.

              • DarkThoughts
                030 days ago

                I personally wouldn’t mind blocking those three specific ones but others obviously might disagree. I tried giving lemmy.ml the benefit of a doubt for a while but especially the worldnews community just seems disinformation & insults from the same accounts while the mods don’t care or even actively work the same agenda.

                I think what would be great is if we could block entire instances ourselves. Right now I am manually blocking all communities that pop up from those three instances, which is tedious. There is an URL for instances (Example: https://fedia.io/d/lemmy.ml), which even features the block button, but it simply does not work in blocking the actual content or even users of said instance. It would be cool if that was an actual feature and a link to the community’s or user’s instance available within the sidebar.

      • @fishos@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Not a fan of Melroy(mbin founder). They claim to have been a dev for Lemmy and kbin. Then when they didn’t get the control they wanted, started their own instance. When that didn’t take off, he ranted very publically once again about how the current team he was “working with” sucked and how he was the only true savior of the fediverse. Then he started mbin, which he named after himself(Melroy Bin).

        His entire attitude has been “fuck you, I’m taking my ball and going home if you don’t listen to me” from the start.

        HARD PASS.

        • BentiGorlich
          161 month ago

          well I am an active mbin contributor and cannot confirm any of that. He never tried to contribute to lemmy as far as I know and trying to contribute to kbin is just a big disappointment (I’ve been there as well). As for the name, personally I don’t care. It is just how it is and nowhere does it say “this is melroys bin” or something like that…

          If you don’t want to get involved that is fine, but the rumors around him are basically all false…

        • Aatube
          1 month ago

          how the current team he was “working with” sucked

          Because the maintainer “team” was one person who had health issues and did not commit or merge PRs for months??? What’s your problem?

          Also, mbin’s governance is a constantly shifting group of ten people or so. Their announcement motto was “we’ll merge every single PR”. How does that align with your dictatorial expectations?

          • @pop@lemmy.ml
            11 month ago

            Their announcement motto was “we’ll merge every single PR”.

            That’s how we got xz backdoor. Don’t go around exaggeratingly claiming everything you don’t like is dictatorial

        • FfaerieOxide
          11 month ago

          Then he started mbin, which he named after himself(Melroy Bin).

          Oh What? Gross.