If you pay money you can move up the queue.
The queue is an auction. Pay an amount you choose to watch the video, view order goes by who paid the most.
Great idea.
This legitimately sounds like a viable app idea. I don’t know jack about bringing it to life but I absolutely see people buying into it.
You want to make real money? Make with porn videos
If you are already half way there you can’t just wait 10 minutes or you have to restart. You need the next video quickly.
I bet that’d work well in FinDom circles. I know even less about the Porn industry than I do app making but the idea seems viable.
It’s simple, masturbate till your about 1/2 there… Stop… Tell me how much you would pay to finish…
Funnily enough, this is almost exactly how ads are served to you. Advertisers get your profile, try and figure out how valuable an impression will be, bid against other advertisers, and the winning bid gets to show you the ad. All within the fraction of a second of a page loading.
Don’t give them ideas!!
This, but they can monetise it by having a bidding war and you can skip the line in regard of how much you pay.
Ahh, the capitalist hellscape is coming along nicely.
Invent a problem and make people pay for not having it.
And we define that as “added value” for some reason.
It really advances humanity.
I think it’s called market elasticity
You can bid on a box that may contain a coveted line skip, or one of over 50,000 emotes and valuable partner discounts.
Look at this employee of the month over here! :D
It’s also practical bcs we don’t have to code shit since there won’t be any chances of winning.
Or buy booster packs in the store to jump up to ten places per purchase! Booster packs now only 799 Youtube Coins, sold in packs of 798 per pack!
It’s the e-book library model (in which a library only has X number of copies of a digital e-book, and you have to wait to get them)
thats so bullshit, pdfs dont run out wtf
This is about copyrights, not about physical supply.
yeah, still bullshit
Tell me this isn’t real.
It is totally real
You may have seen in the last few weeks that Internet Archive is trying to raise public support and funds for a legal fight. The thing they are being sued over? Exactly that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachette_v._Internet_Archive
Artificial scarcity of digital goods is a fucking blight.
It’s an outdated business model, but the problem it tries to solve is real. You wouldn’t want the author to be payed for a single copy which the library freely distribute to as many users as it can. And when I say “freely”, I mean it’s free for the library - the readers will pay subscription. And when I say “library”, I don’t mean your local community library - I mean a big company that operates an online library.
For some reason books are the only media that operates by this model digitally. One would assume it’s because how physical libraries work - but video libraries were a thing, and so were game libraries, and you don’t see online video libraries or game libraries that use this model.
Maybe it’s because of advertisement? You can easily put ads in books (newspapers always have ads in them), but due to the static nature of books and the complete control the user have on the pace, you can’t force the readers to read your ads.
At any rate, this is not really scarcity because this model does not actually allow them to inflate the price. The library’s patrons pay a general subscription, so any specific book does not have a price in the library and therefore they can’t raise its price just because the library does not have enough copies of it. And if someone is willing to pay more in order to jump the queue - they can just as easily buy their own digital copy of the book.
Its definitely real for audiobooks. I gave up on one after it said the estimated wait was 17 weeks, and instead sailed the high seas
Jokes on you, using NewPipe I can run YouTube in the background for free. I can just set an alarm for in 297 days instead of waiting. Fools
Get it downloaded once it’s your turn
Then your vid buffers and you have to start over.
NewPipe has a download feature that isn’t just screen-grabbing. You can download 1080p via dial-up.
Sign up for youtube Ultra premium and skip the queue!
Ultra premium only allows you to join the express queue with other ultra premium users.
To skip the queue you need Diamond premium membership and a small fee of $2.
- Per video
Like FastPass at theme parks. You pay extra to stand in a shorter queue.
No advertisements? Too unrealistic.
Screenshot fails to show the video attempting to load every 30 seconds. But it then turns out to be an advert.
Users get the same feeling they get whilst waiting for an agent, and the hold music gets interrupted with “your call is important to us…”
To save your time for anyone who had the same brainwave I had: Multiplying the length of the Blank Space video by 95,081 gives you 300 days, 10 hrs, 18 minutes and 33 seconds. So the wait time is close. Maybe they’re counting on 1% of people dying during the wait.
Nice of them to leave the queue in their last moments
Actually 2% are expected to die, but only half of them remain in the queue because their phones are plugged in.
Maximum concurrent viewers for a given video could be a way to lower stress on YT servers, requiring less servers thus costing less to maintain, thus less ads/more money for creators, at least in a more rational and less greedy world.
If scheduled programming vs on demand was something that channel owners or users could pick for themselves it would be an apocalypse or a new golden age for YouTube.
Not sure which, but it would sure be different.
It would show ads until then, or 5 ads, whatever comes last
If it’s good enough for public libraries, it’s good enough for corporations!
How about you gotta upload one video to watch one video. If you want to watch a video that has been watched two times you need a video that has been watched two times or a longer by two video that has been watched once, or two equivalent videos watched once time each.
That sounds like socialism to me!
Noh! Socialism is where only one guy works and the rest of us mooch from him.
How do you get the views before the uploads? 🤔
Somebody has to watch them 🤣.
Watch them… before they’re uploaded?
but for video?The Notify Me button is only for premium subscriptions
be careful they’ll see this and actually add it
Can girls just might be profitable enough for YouTube to try it!😆