Never use a “for-profit adblocker”. Ublock Origin is free, open source and therefore won’t fuck you over. You can guess where this “profit” is coming from when you’re not paying for your “for-profit” adblocker
Never use a “for-profit adblocker”.
Most prominently, this includes Adblock Plus, which functions as extortion-ware, extorting payments from ad-dealers to let their ads through.
We have a problem. People have learned that they shouldn’t use a free VPN. By that logic you shouldn’t use a free ad blocker either. People don’t understand the details enough so they operate on broad ideas.
There is a difference between “free & open source” and “free because you don’t pay with money”.
The first means it can be peer reviewed by anyone to make sure they aren’t doing anything shady.
Yeah that’s right. Really, the difference is between free software and free services.
Software can be free and open source and that can be a viable model, even a preferable model. Services can not be free without some party being exploited. In the best of cases this means services are provided by volunteers (and they are being exploited), but more commonly in business, it’s the users who are being exploited.
But as a rule, you should be suspicious of free services.
UBO is also free as in beer.
That’s why we need to start using libre
The issue is that the difference is clear to us, but not to everyone else. Even at the periphery of the tech world, I’ve met people generally aware what source code is, but not of the specific concept of “Open Source” and why it makes a difference. We should avoid falling into the bubble trap where we assume that what’s familiar to us is familiar to everyone else as well.
I dunno if there’s just a lack of education around what open-source means or what. Like jeez, you can contribute to unlock origin. You can study it and see if there’s anything you disagree with. You can fork it and change it.
Can’t save them all.
I agree, unless it’s straight up paid software which I usually don’t mind paying for if it’s good and I need it. Although arguably uBlock Origin is so close to perfection that I can’t imagine how a paid ad blocker would hold up.
What software have you paid for? Over here, proud owner of (off the top of my head) Keyboard Maestro, BetterTouchTool, Shottr, and superwhisper for Mac.
Would be hard to live without these automation/macro, screenshot, and dictation tools!
Shottr is legit. It’s really amazing that there aren’t more decent screenshotting tools when they’re so incredibly useful. People would rather just take a picture of their screen and upload it that way :cringe:
Shottr was well worth their Black Friday price ($12?). But the free version is entirely sufficient and worked well for me for over a year.
Snagit has 10 times as many features for several times the price, but somehow Shottr is like the most efficient app ever. So, so fast! But Snagit is more like Shottr plus a miniature Photoshop so can excuse some of that.
Oh hey, forgot Snippety the text expander 🔥 even has an iOS keyboard.
Great dev too, super responsive solo dude.
It’s not just a higher price, it’s an ongoing subscription. That’s not something I would ever agree to. It makes zero sense. It’s just greedy bullshit, in my opinion. Give me a flat fee and if it breaks or you add new features, I will decide if I want to pay again for an upgrade.
Shout-out to Beyond Compare! It makes my life as a many-hatted systems librarian much easier.
BC5 must be a huge upgrade for word wrap alone!
Oooh. I’ve not upgraded yet, but that looks exciting.
Ohh, can really recommend Bartender as well! If you have a lot of apps using the precious space in your statusbar (Docker; OneDrive; etc) this solves it nicely!
Yesss, thank you, using the free Ice - Bartender quietly sold, causing some controversy.
I installed Ice after troubleshooting for an hour until I realized macOS was hiding some of my menu bar apps. wtf? Quoting this piece:
I have gripes about the notch. There isn’t enough room to display all of my menu bar apps and icons, so… they just get hidden!? Apparently, everyone in Cupertino thinks the best solution to this problem is to hide them with zero indication that there are more that simply can’t be displayed because of the notch. I wasted so much time trying to figure out why Little Snitch and 1Password were not running on my new machine. Was there a compatibility issue with Apple Silicon that I didn’t know about? That couldn’t be. In turns out, they were running the whole time but they were hidden by the notch.
This “design” (or lack thereof) is so dumb. It is utterly ridiculous to me that this is still how it “works” two years after the introduction of the redesigned MacBook Pro with a notch. How hard could it be to add an overflow menu with a “«” (or should it be “»”?) button that shows the remaining apps and icons that can’t be displayed? This entire situation with the notch is ironic, because the iPhone notch and “dynamic island” are so thoughtfully designed with zero compromises regarding the functionality of iOS. In fact, they actually provide a better user experience. Yet on the Mac, how the notch interacts with macOS is laughably incompetent. It is shockingly lazy regarding attention to detail, and results in an outright disruptive and confusing user experience.
I recommend Ice as a FOSS alternative to Bartender. Recently discovered it through a Mastodon post
Also stats as an alternative to iStats Menu btw
For-profit ad blockers make their money from either ad injection or extorting ad companies to whitelist their ads. This is why the original adblock plus fell out of use.
“From the founder of Honey.” Which means that stealing code and affiliate links is just the surface of shady stuff they are up to.
The founder of Honey no longer owns Honey, and hasn’t for some time. It’s owned by PayPal, a much more notoriously shady company that some people still use for some reason.
Now I feel bad. I use paypal because in some cases of purchases it is the only means I can use. What is shady about them?
Look up the PayPal mafia. Tldr: their founders are overthrowing the world’s oldest democracy at the moment.
Fun fact: the founders threw out musk, before it became PayPal, he actually wanted it to be called X, he was hoarding that domain since then.
they’re up to something in Greece?
What’s the worlds oldest democracy?
Thanks I barely used them out of convenience and now I’ll make a point to stop entirely.
It’s the only means you can use because it’s the only one the seller provides. Not your fault.
What is shady? You name it.
I mean first and foremost they’re a public-traded company that you’ll see on every storefront on the web, which together basically guarantees unethical business practices.
They automatically enrolled users into PayPal credit without their knowledge or consent. They advertised $10 free credit for new members, then just…didn’t give it. They charge late fees and interest when their shitty servers fail to process payments. They will almost always take the buyer’s side in any dispute, regardless of provided evidence, they automatically opt users into data sharing, etc.
The founder still made it do what it does.
Depends when all of that functionality was added in. Honey started as a legit coupon scraping extension back in 2012, and was sold to PayPal in 2020. Somewhere in the last 12 years, someone got a bit too greedy.
Reminds me of the story of AdBlock - helpful extension gets a huge market share, people get greedy, it gets sold to a for-profit, and starts doing shady deals with the people it’s supposed to be “working against”.
Um, PayPal paid $4,000,000,000 to buy Honey. $4 billion. Now, think about how much profit Honey would have had to been generating for PP to look at the numbers and buy it for that much. However it “started”, the functionality to steal was in there before they sold it to PayPal
Companies that aren’t profitable get bought all the time for ridiculous amounts of money not because they currently make boatloads of money, but because they have a huge userbase and brand recognition, and the buyer thinks they are the geniuses that can make it do that. Yahoo paid 1.1 billion for Tumblr - since sold to wordpress for 3 million - and Musk 44 billion for Twitter - now worth a fraction of that - for example.
That is exactly why they often go to shit only after they have been bought.Fwiw, Honey did around $100 million in revenue back in 2018. That’s 40 times less than what they were bought for, and that isn’t even profit, but just how much money they received before all their business expenses were paid.
Did you seriously cite a Medium article? C’mon now, it’s an open blog where anyone can write anything without any fact checking. Ir’s worse than Wikipedia.
According to a tech crunch article, “As of today, Honey’s 17 million members have saved more than $2 billion to date.”
That translates to a lot of transactions.
The founder made it steal commissions for a company that they weren’t even affiliated with?
Do you believe that the affiliate scam only started when PayPal acquired Honey?
Do you have reason to believe it didn’t?
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Who in their right mind would use this bootleg piece of shit when uBO exists?
They’re offering to pay you to watch ads, same as what Brave does.
You’re going to get people who fall for the “free money” aspect, same as always.
(Also replacing a site’s ads with their ads is exactly the same shit Honey is doing, so it’s nice to see that the founder has a single idea and is going to keep going after it.)
More than that, they’re also hijacking affiliate links.
What ads are they replacing? I didn’t hear anything about that.
In the early days of brave it was glorious. Set up max notification on my phone, set to minimise notifications - profit.
Literally cashed out like $100 this way over the span of about 6 months, before the rugpull, I assume. Ads paying out way less now.
It was hilarious. For me. The ads were (and I believe still are) primarily advertising other shitcoins hahaha
Edit: I should note, I used Tasker and did not have to see a single ad.
Probably people who see a big banner about uBO no longer being supported in Chrom(e)ium
Old people who still believe that if you’re paying for a product it must be better, right?
I feel like the name of this product is a SEO manipulation to catch people trying to look for information on the Pi Hole. Overall shady manipulation on all fronts…
Considering the recent revelations about the shady, scummy and unethical business practices by Honey, I can’t say I’m surprised that one of the co-founders is doing more shady shit with their new endeavor.
I did a double take at first- PiHole, how could you!!
The GPL is enforceable, as far as the courts in the US are concerned, but the time and expense of doing so means such cases are rare. One such claim against Vizio, filed in 2021 by the Software Freedom Conservancy, is expected to be tried in September 2025.
Hill pointed to a series of posts he made in June 2024 about “sleazy rip-offs in the Chrome Web Store” that simply rewrap “uBlock, uBlock Lite, or other content blockers with their own user interface,” and some monetization scheme, often removing the copyright and licensing information
If a pretty large project such as ubo doesn’t have the means to enforce the GPL license, I think pretty much all open source projets, that are usually lacking funds, wouldn’t be able to enforce their license either
I didn’t realize that before, I thought copyleft licences like GPL really offered something but unless the project is backed by a for profit company or has enough funding, permissive licenses like MIT/FreeBSD achieve kind of the same result in practice… And all the contributions I did on copyleft projects could be (and probably were) stolen to make profits, while the maintainers of the original project struggle to pay for coffees… I feel a lot less guilty for my media piracy
But I wonder, are there means to enforce this license from outside the US ?
The majority of ads on YouTube for the last 3+ months have been Pie, even after blocking dozens of them.
If you’re getting ads for an adblocker, it might be time to get an adblocker (but not that one).
It’s my work computer and extensions are blocked. 😔
Oof, you gotta find that FBI post (might have a different 3 letter agency) said that adbock is required for safe browsing. Tell them users can’t click on malware ads if there’s no malware ads to click.
Set your DNS to a pihole or some other ad blocking DNS server, that’s about the best you can do on a managed system
Maybe they mean ads by the creators themselves, which I do understand. While my Freetube has Sponsorblock, I am still exposed to ads - Sponsorblock is not applied to downloads.
That seems to be this guy’s MO, judging from Honey. Sell an invasive browser add-on via intensive youtube ads and convince gullible people they’ll get free money from it
And then sell to a big company
Huh… I’m never off YouTube but never heard of or seen ads for Pie. I wonder when they will start showing up.
I still see a lot of Better Help ads and that sucks. I’ve gotten to the point where if it’s a YouTube Ad or sponsor, I ain’t buying it ever.
Isnt that a GPL violation?
Yes, as mentioned in the first sentence of the article
Yes it is
Yes, it sounds like they were violating GPL.
Isn’t that illegal? What kind of license is uBO under?
The very first sentence of the article answers these exact two questions.
Closed-source browser extension Pie Adblock was this week accused of copying code and text from rival uBlock Origin in violation of the latter’s software license – the GNU GPL version 3.
Guy belongs behind bars
Totally foolish. Either don’t use the code if the license doesn’t allow commercial use, or leave the license notice in place. It’s pretty straightforward.
of course they did
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