But these sheep can’t wear masks? Give me a fucking break.
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To be fair, they need the bandage just as much as trump does.
Like. A day or two after the attempt he was out golfing and didn’t have a bandage or anything.
I think it was just a small nick and the blood thinners he’s likely on just makes you bleed like crazy since they prevent clotting. A small scratch looks like a war wound, and would explain why there was blood everywhere but he still has a functional ear.
Like, if he really got shot in the ear, he’d be missing a part of his ear like in Preacher. It won’t just heal back.
Dude got a scratch and is playing it up.
He’s a WWE Hall of Famer. I would not be surprised if he was blading.
Trump is on blood thinners? Why?
He’s in his late 70s, doesn’t exercise, eats like shit, and is drastically overweight…
Like, it’s one of those things that are just safe to assume. Blood thinners arent really that rare for people 30 years younger than either candidate.
I wonder what his theoretical are is lol.
His blood is thick with hamburger juice.
A lot of people that age, with his OBVIOUS unhealthy BMI are on blood thinner as prevention more than anything else.
To prevent strokes and heart attacks. It’s pretty common.
The masks prevent them from quaffing their own farts all day long.
There isn’t a fourth monkey covering its nose.
There is, however, a fourth monkey covering his crotch. “Do no evil”
LOL what the fuck. i’ve never seen a more subservient bitchass group of bootlicking sheep than republicans
They really are strange.
Apparently, the other people are sheep. These are the free-thinking freedom loving people! /s
Dear God man … this is crazy cringe.
Projection is how Republicans roll. Remember when MAGA accused Joe Biden of wearing diapers and they found out their dear orange felon/rapist cult leader wore them instead, and started wearing them?
It’s not as weird as the diapers.
I think it’s pretty close. Both are super fucking weird and pathetic.
Don’t knock diapers till you try em tho
And yet they’re the ones screeching about “alpha males and the loss of masculinity in America.”
which is hilarious, because if you’re whining about someone “taking away your masculinity,” (OR if you’re having panic attacks about someone else’s masculinity) then you were never masculine in the first place.
Fragile masculinity.
Hierarchies gonna hypocritize.
But remember, they hate being called sheep.
Just a reminder, jd vance, trumps newest vp pick, has on many occasions been quoted in the past of saying “I didn’t vote for trump”, “I never liked trump”, and “I’m a never-trump guy”.
NOW he sings trumps praises, and kisses trumps ass.
vance is just another vapid muppet who’ll get thrown under the bus the instant shit goes sideways and trump needs someone to blame for…whatever. just like all the other used-to-be-never-trumpers who are now fighting over who gets to be first to be facialed by trump
His name has an extra syllable, he might be counting on Trumpanzees being unable to make a nice little chant like they did for Pence.
Vance literally called Trump “America’s Hitler” in a now deleted tweet.
Also so many are Christian and say shit like “the lord is my shepard” in the same breath that they call other people “sheep.”
Makes me think of the court at Versailles all pretending to have anal fistulas after Louis XIV had surgery for one.
I’m gonna take your word, I ain’t clicking on anal fistulas.
He’s just a naughty boy!
“I say you are Lord and I should know, I’ve followed a few”
So say we all.
Don’t they know a bandage on the right ear means you are gay?
I guess I will explain it for people
This is actually a thing…with piercings
Getting the right ear pieced, also called the gay ear, is a way to signal to others that you are gay. I have no idea if it’s still a thing but growing up if you were getting a piercing the rule was left or both
I have two in my right, one in my left, and have been told many times that its the same thing. More in the right ear apparently makes me gay. Im definitely straight, but I kept my piercings like this for the last 15 years, and wouldnt you know it, the only people telling me thats gay are other straight people. This is certainly just personal experiences, but my personal experience is that its not a ‘gay rule’ as much as its a ‘homophobe rule.’ Like you said, pretty sure it was a style or signal in the gay community in the 80s or something, but any more it just feels like an urban legend perpetuated by bigots.
Honestly it just reminds me of the moral panic over “cock ring Ken.”
(also amusing in this context to note that his earring is in his left ear, so I’m not sure even the homophobes were consistent about this)
I actually always figured it was based in the same logic as flagging. Beware; extremely NSFW link about sex and BDSM.
Do you ever punish those straight people for their mistake by humping their buttholes?
Honestly, I don’t blame straight people that caught up with the “right ear” thing in the 80’s for that they haven’t caught up with the fact that it’s expired.
Or, as my mom so concisely put it when I was a child, “Right is wrong if you’re straight.”
She voted for trump, didn’t she?
Progressive-leaning lesbian and vehemently anti-Trump, actually. She was very much a part of LGBTQ+ culture in the 90s, and the ear piercing thing was a part of it at the time. Though it really has fallen to the wayside nowadays.
Is this still a thing? I could have sworn it fell away like ten years ago.
Then again, I wasn’t sure certain types of pants would ever come back. RETURN TO US, JNCO!
Is 40 years old too old to start wearing JNCO and Sketchers again?
Wear JNCOs and healies and then you can look like you’re floating around like a Russian dancer
I heard it was the left ear, or any piercing, or it was the right ear, or it was only certain kinds of piercings.
None of it was true.
This was never a very reliable thing ever and certainly isn’t anymore. The joke the OP makes is in reference to what it was used for, which was an attempt to attack / stigmatize anyone who did choose their right ear for a piercing perpetrated by small minds. Many of those small minds have now grown into the hateful old bigots that are the base of the GOP.
You should fact check these bigots then
So they’re fine with cloth on the face as long as it’s completely unnecessary?
Seems everyone should have realized by now what a weak, sad, and pathetic group the Republican party is.
You mean the American Fascist Party?
Not to be confused with the American Nazi Party. But I forget what the difference between the two is these days
Yes, you two are in agreement. You’re saying the same thing.
I can’t decide if this is more or less weird than wearing a diaper in support of Trum…no…it’s less weird…right?